For numeric values, if the total number of decimal places exceeds than definition number of digits, the value will be truncate.
Example: definition - numeric (15,5), input value is 100.123456 → 100.12345
Define data which should be available for all users with group 'public'. This is a fixed keyword in lowercase.
Communication adapters of OFTP has a file name length limitation of 26 characters.
Currently supported qualifiers are listed in types
Currently support numeric type with type numeric (15,5). In there, total count of significant digits is 15 and total count of decimal digits is 5.
If the total number of decimal places exceeds than 5 digits, then the amount will be truncate (rounded to 5 digits).
The file must be named article.csv
Each unique pair of article_number and brand defines 1 article. In order to specify additional article identifiers, use the fields identifier_qualifier, identifier_number and identifier_brand.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | ERP article number |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Brand definition to distinguish articles with identical article_number |
identifier_qualifier | string | article_identifier_type | C | UC | Use qualifier to express additional article identifiers. Now we have 'Alias', 'Ean', 'TecDoc', 'Pies', 'TradeNumber', 'OENumber'. |
identifier_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | C | UC | Mandatory if qualifier is not null. Otherwise not allowed. |
identifier_brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | C | UC | Mandatory if qualifier is TecDoc or AcesPies. Otherwise not allowed. |
Example for minimum data:
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file article.csv, it will be processed before all other files.
WARNING: Be careful when using REPLACE with an article.csv file, as all articles and referencing data will be deleted.
The file must be named assortment.csv
Use assortment groups to make articles visible to buyers. An article can belong to 1 or many assortment group. Without an assortment, an article will not be visible to any buyer at all.
The group 'public' has special meaning: Any buyer without an explicit assignment of an assortment group will be treated as if he was assigned to the assortment group named 'public'.
If the buyer is assigned to a specific group, data will provided for this group and additional data with public group
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the assortment group(s) for which the article should be made visible. |
A buyer with group assortment-group-1 assigned will get data for
A buyer with group public assigned will get public data for
A buyer with group assortment-group-2 assigned will get data for
For each article in assortment, buyer specific (assigned article_group) or public article data must exist, otherwise requests or exports will fail.
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file assortment.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named availability.csv
Define available quantities for article, availability group, dispatch mode and optionally warehouse.
There can be at most 1 record of each unique combination of (article_number, brand, group, dispatch mode, warehouse).
Stating availabilities in different unit of measurements for the same combination of (article_number, brand, availability group, dispatch mode, warehouse) is not possible.
(article_number, brand) must match an already defined article in article.
Make sure that the uom used is either the base uom of the article or a defined sales uom.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the availability group for which this article availability applies. |
dispatch_mode | string | dispatch_type | Y | UC | Specifies the dispatch mode for which this article availability applies. The dispatch mode ‘undefined’ is used to express ‘all other dispatch modes’. |
warehouse | string | minLength=1, maxLength=25 | N | UC | Specifies the dispatch mode for which this article availability applies. If no warehouse applies, field is null. |
quantity | numeric(15,5) | >= 0 | Y | Specifies the available quantity for this dispatch mode and warehouse in the given unit of measurement. Must not be negative. | |
uom | string | uom_type | Y | Specifies the unit of measurement for this availability. Must be the article’s base uom or a defined sales uom. |
A buyer with assortment_group assortment-group-1 and availability_group availability-group-1 assigned will get data these data
A buyer with assortment_group public and availability_group public these data
A buyer with assortment_group assortment-group-2 and availability_group availability-group-2 assigned will get these data
The buyer will get the avalabilities for the assigned availability group (defined with buyer_grouping.csv), if no data is available for this group, public data will be returned if provided.
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file availability.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named buyer_grouping.csv
Assign assortment-, article-, condition- and availability group to buyers.
In case no direct group assignment for a buyer exists, the buyer will be assumed to be in the 'public' group.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
buyer_tec_id | string | minLength=1, maxLength=30 | C | UC1 | Only allowed and mandatory if setting is TecCom Id as customer identification. Specifies the buyer’s TecComId. Repetition of the same buyer is not allowed. |
buyer_party | string | minLength=1, maxLength=14 | C | UC2 | Only allowed and mandatory if setting is party numbers as customer identification. Specifies the buyer party number. |
supplier_party | string | minLength=1, maxLength=14 | C | UC2 | Only allowed and mandatory if setting is party numbers as customer identification. Specifies the supplier party number. |
delivery_party | string | minLength=1, maxLength=14 | N | UC2 | Only allowed if setting is party numbers as customer identification. Specifies the delivery party number. |
assortment_group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=2000 | Y | Specifies the assortment group of this buyer. Assortment group is mandatory. Without an assortment group assigned, a buyer will only see public articles. Use a comma-separated list of groups with max. 50 characters each to assign multiple assortment groups to a buyer. Notice, that the character ',' (comma) is interpreted as group delimiter and therefore not allowed in a group name |
article_group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | N | Specifies the article master data group of this buyer. Without an article_group assigned a buyer will only see public article master data. | |
condition_group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | N | Specifies the condition group of this buyer. Without a condition group assigned a buyer will only see public condition data. | |
availability_group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | N | Specifies the availability group of this buyer. Without a availability group assigned a buyer will only see public availability data. |
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file buyer_grouping.csv, it will be processed parallel to article.csv file, if one is present.
Before the data gets imported, the setting for customer identification will be checked. See also Administration Business Cloud for Supplier
Party numbers as customer identification
If the setting is party numbers as customer identification, for each row in the csv it will be checked if a valid business relation can be found for given buyer, supplier and delivery number. If no business relation can be found the row will be discarded, if more than one business relation are found, the row will be discarded. If for different rows the same buyer organization is found, all rows will be discarded.
After this check the import behaviour will be
The file must be named condition_group.csv
Create and define properties of condition groups.
Defining the currency of a condition group is mandatory for prices / allowances and charges being shown to buyers.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
name | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Unique name of the condition group. |
currency | string | currency_type | Y | Specifies the currency used to express all prices and allowances and charges for that condition group. | |
min_order_net_amount | numeric(15,5) | >= 0 | N | Specifies a minimum order net amount for the condition group in the currency of the condition group. Must not be negative. | |
min_order_charge | numeric(15,5) | >= 0 | N | Specifies the additional charge for falling below the minimum order net amount in the currency of the condition group. | |
min_order_charge_description | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | N | Description for minimum order charge |
price-group-1|EUR|25|5|Five Euro charge.
price-group-2|USD|27|6|Five Dollar charge.
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file condition_group.csv, it will be processed parallel to article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named alc.csv
Define allowances and charges for an article and condition group.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the condition group for which this allowance/charge applies. Use group ‘public’ to make this allowance/charge available for all customers without a specific condition group assignment. |
type | string | alc_type | Y | UC | Specifies the allowance/charge type. |
percentage | numeric(15,5) | >= 0 | C | Allowance/Charge in percent of the article’s gross price. If used, amount must be NULL. | |
amount | numeric(15,5) | >= 0 | C | Allowance/Charge in currency specified for the condition group. If used, percentage must be NULL. | |
per_qty | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | C | Mandator if type == ‘MinimumOrderCharge’: Describes the minimum number of items to be ordered without minimum order charge being applied. Else:If null, allowance/charge applies once independently of the confirmed quantity. Otherwise, allowance/charge is recalculated according to the confirmed quantity. | |
uom | string | uom_type | C | Unit of measurement for allowance/charge. Mandatory if either from_qty is filled or if per_qty is filled unless type = ‘MinimumOrderCharge’. Must be the articles base_uom or a defined sales_uom. | |
from_qty | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | C | UC | Used to express volume related allowances/charges. Specifies the quantity in uom from which on and including this ALC holds. If not specified, ALC is valid starting at quantity 0. |
from_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | UC | If specified, ALC will hold from and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is current date |
to_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | UC | If specified, ALC will hold up to and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is '9999-12-31' |
remark | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Custom free text. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|condition-group-1|Discount|10|||||2024-01-01|2024-12-31|10 % off
myFirstArticle|myBrand|condition-group-1|ReturnableContainer||45||||2024-01-01|2024-12-31|45 EUR deposit for returnable container
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|ReturnableContainer||45||||2024-01-01|2024-12-31|45 EUR deposit for returnable container
A buyer with condition_group condition-group-1 assigned will get data these data
A buyer with condition_group public these data
The buyer get only allowance and charges which are assigned to the group of the buyer (defined with buyer_grouping.csv).
In this example the buyers with specific conditon group gets only the returnable container data because its specified in the specific condition group.Only current valid allowance and charges will be returned, means no data from the past or from the future.
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file alc.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named price.csv
Define prices for an article and condition group.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the condition group for which this article price applies. Use group 'public' to make this price available for all customers without a specific condition group assignment. |
type | string | price_type | Y | UC | Specifies the price type. |
net_calculation | string | net_calculation_type | N | Only allowed if type = 'Net' specifies how the net price was determined. | |
amount | numeric(15,5) | >= 0 | Y | Monetary amount in the currency that is specified in the condition group this price belongs to. | |
per_qty | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | Y | Quantity to which a price refers. | |
uom | numeric(15,5) | uom_type | Y | Unit of measurement used for price quantity as well as volume related prices. Must be the articles base_uom or a defined sales_uom. | |
from_qty | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | N | UC | Used to express volume related prices. Specifies the quantity in uom from which on and including this price holds. If not specified, price is valid starting at quantity 0. |
from_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | UC | If specified, price will hold from and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is current date. |
to_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | UC | If specified, price will hold up to and including the specified date in UTC.If not specified, default is '9999-12-31' |
remark | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Custom free text. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|Gross||29.99|1|PCE||2023-01-01|2024-12-31|Gross price for 2023
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|Gross||32.99|1|PCE||2024-01-01|2024-12-31|Gross price for 2024
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|Gross||27.99|1|PCE|100|2024-01-01|2024-12-31|Gross price for 2024 - more than 100
myFirstArticle|myBrand|condition-group-1|Net|Regular|24.50|1|PCE||2024-01-01|2024-12-31|Net price
myFirstArticle|myBrand|condition-group-1|Net|Regular|22.50|1|PCE|100|2024-01-01|2024-12-31|Net price - more than 100
myFirstArticle|myBrand|condition-group-2|Net|Regular|25.00|1|PCE||2024-01-01|2024-12-31|Net price
A buyer with assortment_group assortment-group-1 and condition_group condition-group-1 assigned will get data these data
A buyer with assortment_group public and condition_group public these data
A buyer with assortment_group assortment-group-2 and condition_group condition-group-2 assigned will get these data
The buyer get only prices which are assigned to the group of the buyer (defined with buyer_grouping.csv).
In this example buyers with specific condition group will not see the public gross prices and the other way around.Only current valid prices will be returned, means no data from the past or the future.
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file price.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named article_data.csv
Describes article master data for an article and article group.
This data is the prerequisite for adding sales UoM, article description, article status, alternative, predecessor, successor, discount group, generic article, custom text, packaging, supplier product group and external document information.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this article master data definition applies. Use group 'public' to make this article master data definition available for all customers without a specific article group assignment. |
base_uom | string | base_uom_type | Y | The physical unit in which the article is naturally measured, e.g. PCE, LTR, MTR, .. Notice, that a base uom is not necessarily also a sales uom. | |
is_exchange_part | boolean | true, false | N | Whether or not this part is an exchange part (refurbished article). Unspecified means no information available. | |
sales_country | string | country_type | N | Specifies the sales country | |
country_of_origin | string | country_type | N | Specifies the country of origin | |
commodity_code | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | N | Specifies a commodity code | |
min_max_order_uom | string | uom_type | C | Defines the unit of measurement for the minimum and maximum order quantity. Must be either the article’s base uom or a defined sales uom. Mandatory, if either min_order_qty or max_order_qty is not null. | |
min_order_qty | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | N | Minimum order quantity of the article. Must not be negative. If NULL, minimum order quantity of 0 is assumed. | |
max_order_qty | numeric(15,5) | > 0, greater or equal min_order_qty | N | Maximum order quantity of the article. Must not be negative. If NULL, order quantity will be assumed unbounded. | |
current_status | string | article_status_type | N | Sets the current article status to the specified value. Notice, that if you do a separate import of article_status to express current, future or past status, it will overwrite this value. | |
active_discount_group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | N | Sets the active discount group to the specified value. Notice, that if you do a separate import of discount_group to express current, future or past discount groups, it will overwrite this value. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|PCE|false|DE|DE|49019900009|PCE|3|99|Normal|Discount-Group A
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|PCE|false|FR|DE|12345678910|PCE|1|25|OnlyAvailableWithPartList|Discount-Group B
mySecondArticle|myBrand|article-group-2|LTR|false||DE|1|PCE|1|10|Normal|Discount-Group C
myThirdArticle|myBrand|public|PCE|false||DE|1|PCE|1|10|Normal|Discount-Group A
A buyer with assortment_group assortment-group-1 and article_group article-group-1 assigned will get data these data
A buyer with assortment_group public and article_group public these data
A buyer with assortment_group assortment-group-2 and article_group article-group-2 assigned will get these data
The buyer will get the article data for his assigned article group, if no data is available for this group, public data will be returned if available.
If article data is not provided, requests from TecDoc Portal will fail.
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file article_data.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named article_description.csv
Provide article description and article application for articles and article groups. You can provide descriptions in multiple languages for each article and group.
Duplicate language entries for one article and group are not allowed.
Unique combination: article_number, brand, group, language
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this article description applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
language | string | language_type | Y | UC | Language of the article description |
description | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Article description | |
application | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Article application |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|en|An article description.|An article application
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|en|Another description|Another application
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|de|Weitere Beschreibung|Weitere Anwendung
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file article_description.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named article_status.csv
Define the status of an article for an article group.
Notice, that any article must have a unique status for an article group at any point in time. Please also notice, that the article status has impact on the visibility of an article in an availability request or order.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this article description applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
status | string | article_status_type | Y | The article status. Valid article status are restricted to TecDoc article status. | |
from_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | If specified, the article status will hold from and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is current date | |
to_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | If specified, the article status will hold up to and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, If not specified, default is '9999-12-31' |
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file article_status.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named sales_uom.csv
Define the sales unit of measurements for articles and article groups. This is important for calculation of availabilities and conditions for requests and orders.
Prerequesite dependend article data must exist. This could be in the current import package or in previous imports.
Notice that a UoM can be used by a customer for ordering via TecCom only if it is defined as sales uom. The article’s base uom is not by default orderable.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this sales uom definition applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
uom | string | sales_uom_type | Y | UC | Defines a sales unit of measurement. This uom can be used for inquiring/ordering via TecOrder. You can define a uom only once per article and group. |
base_uom_per_uom | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | Y | Quantity of base uom contained in 1 uom. Most be a postive number. | |
lot_size | integer | > 0 | N | If specified, only an integer mutliple of the lot size can be ordered. If null, lot size of 1 is assumed. | |
standard_packaging_uom | string | packaging_uom_type | N | The default uom of the packaging that is used for this sales uom. |
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file sales_uom.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named packaging.csv
Specify how an article is packaged for an article and article group by providing packaging uom’s.
E. g. if you want to describe the net weight of your article, define a package with packaging_uom_type “NE”, which is the uom type for unpacked articles.
Notice that a uom can only be defined once per article and article group. It is mandatory to break the package down to smaller uom’s, which can be either smaller packages that are defined or the article’s base uom. Optionally, you can specify EAN, UPC and custom barcode of the packaging. Optionally, you can include packaging dimesions, weight and volume.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group to which this packaging defintion applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
uom | string | packaging_uom_type | Y | UC | Defines a packaging unit of measurement. You can define a packaging uom only once per article and group. |
ref_uom | string | ref_uom_type | Y | Reference uom - can be either a smaller packaging unit, that is defined, or the article’s base uom. | |
qty_per_uom | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | Y | Quantity of ref_uom contained in 1 packaging uom. Must be a postive number. | |
ean | string | minLength=1, maxLength=14 | N | EAN/GTIN of the packaging | |
upc | string | minLength=1, maxLength=12 | N | UPC of the packaging | |
custom_barcode | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | N | Custom barcode number | |
dimension_uom | string | base_uom_type | C | Length unit of measurement to express all of length, width and height of the package. Mandatory if at least one of length, width and height is present. | |
length | numeric(16,5) | > 0 | N | Length of the package measured in dimension_uom | |
width | numeric(16,5) | > 0 | N | Width of the package measured in dimension_uom | |
height | numeric(16,5) | > 0 | N | Height of the package measured in dimension_uom | |
weight_uom | string | base_uom_type | C | Weight unit of measurement to express the total weight of the package. Mandatory if weight is present. | |
weight | numeric(16,5) | > 0 | N | Total weight of the package measured in weight_uom | |
volume_uom | string | base_uom_type | C | Volume unit of measurement to express the volume of the package. Mandatory if volume is present. | |
volume | numeric(16,5) | > 0 | N | Volume of the package measured in volume_uom |
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file packaging.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named alternative.csv
Specify alternative articles for an article and group.
Notice, that the specified alternative articles will only be visible for a buyer, if they are assorted to them.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this alternative applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
alternative_article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | ERP article_number of the predecessor article. Notice, that alternative_article_number and alternative_brand must reference an already defined article. |
alternative_brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Brand of the alternative article. Notice, that alternative_article_number and alternative_brand must reference an already defined article. |
advice | string | minLength=1, maxLength=40 | N | Additional free text. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|myAlternativeArticle|myAlternativeBrand|General Alternative
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|myAlternativeArticle2|myAlternativeBrand2|Special Alternative
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|myAlternativeArticle3|myAlternative3|Another Alternative
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file alternative.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named predecessor.csv
Specify predecessor articles for an article and group.
Notice, that the specified predecessor articles will only be visible for a buyer, if they are assorted to them.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this predecessor applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
predecessor_article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | ERP article_number of the predecessor article. Notice, that predecessor_article_number and predecessor_brand must reference an already defined article. |
predecessor_brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Brand of the predecessor article. Notice, that alternative_article_number and alternative_brand must reference an already defined article. |
advice | string | minLength=1, maxLength=40 | N | Additional free text. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|myPredecessorArticle|myPredecessorBrand|General Predecessor
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|myPredecessorArticle2|myPredecessorBrand2|Special Predecessor
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|myPredecessorArticle3|myPredecessor3|Another Predecessor
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file predecessor.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named successor.csv
Specify successor articles for an article and group.
Notice, that the specified successor articles will only be visible for a buyer, if they are assorted to them.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this successor applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
successor_article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | ERP article_number of the predecessor article. Notice, that successor_article_number and successor_brand must reference an already defined article. |
successor_brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Brand of the successor successor article. Notice, that successor_article_number and successor_brand must reference an already defined article. |
successor_type | string | successor_type | N | Type of the successor article. Null means that no information about the successor type is available. | |
advice | string | minLength=1, maxLength=40 | N | Additional free text. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|mySuccessorArticle|mySuccessorBrand|Completely|General Successor
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|mySuccessorArticle2|mySuccessorBrand2|Limited|Special Successor
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|mySuccessorArticle3|mySuccessorBrand3|Completely|Another Successor
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file successor.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named discount_group.csv
Assign a discount group to an article for an article group. Use from_date and to_date to limit discount group assignments in time.
Notice, that only 1 discount group can be active at a time for an article and an article group. (Without validation during import)
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group to which this discount group applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
name | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | Name of the article’s discount group. | |
from_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | UC | If specified, discount group assignment will hold from and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is current date |
to_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | N | UC | If specified, discount group assignment will hold up to and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is '9999-12-31' |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|Discount-Group A|2023-01-01|2023-12-31
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|Discount-Group B|2024-01-01|
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|Discount-Group A|2023-01-01|2024-12-31
mySecondArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|Discount-Group C|2023-01-01|2024-12-31
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file discount_group.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named generic_article.csv
Provide generic article number and description for articles and article groups. You can provide descriptions in multiple languages for each article, group and generic article number.
Duplicate language entries for one article, group and generic article number are not allowed.
Duplicate language entries for one article, group and generic article number are not allowed.
Unique combination: article_number, brand, group, generic article number
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this article description applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
generic_article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=6 | Y | UC | Generic article number |
language | string | language_type | N | UC | Language of the generic article description |
description | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Generic article description |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|123456|en|An article description.
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|56789|en|Another description
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|56789|de|Weitere Beschreibung
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file generic_article.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named custom_text.csv
Add custom text to an article for an article group by specifying key-value pairs in multiple languages to introduce customized processes outside our business model, that can be agreed on with your buyers, and that are not covered by the standard fields.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this article description applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
language | string | language_type | Y | UC | Language used for this costum text. |
key | string | minLength=1, maxLength=22 | Y | UC | Key definition. A combination of language and key can only be used once for a given article_number, brand and group. |
value | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Value. Optional |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|de|myFirstKey|mein erster Wert
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|en|myFirstKey|my First Value
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|en|mySecondKey|my Second Value
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file custom_text.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named external_document.csv
Specify links to external documents for an article for an article group.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group for which this external docuement applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
type | string | external_document_type | Y | UC | type of the external document. Usage is restricted to tXML5 external document qualifier types. |
language | string | language_type | Y | UC | Language used for this external document. |
title | string | minLength=1, maxLength=512 | N | Title of the external document. | |
link | string | minLength=1, maxLength=1500 | Y | UC | Link to the external document. Make sure that the link exists and the content is acessable and appropriate for the customer. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|TechnicalData|en|Technical data of article myFirstArticle|
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|TechnicalData|en|Technische Daten des Artikels myFirstArticle|
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|DangerousGoods|en|Hazmat information of article myFirstArticle|
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file external_document.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named supplier_product_group.csv
Specify to which supplier product group an article belongs to for a given article group and provide supplier product group descriptions in multiple languages.
Only 1 product group is possible per article and group.
Unique combination: article_number, brand, group, language
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the article group to which this supplier product group applies. Make sure that you have already imported article_data for this article and group. |
name | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | A unique identifier / unique name of the supplier product group |
language | string | language_type | Y | UC | Language for supplier product group description. You can use a language only once for the same combination of article_number, brand, group, name |
description | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | Y | Supplier product group description in given language. |
myFirstArticle|myBrand|public|brk_dsc|en|Brake Disc
myFirstArticle|myBrand|article-group-1|brk_dsc|en|Brake Disc
mySecondArticle|myBrand|public|oil_flt|en|Oil Filter
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file supplier_product_group.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file and also after the article_data.csv file, if any of those present.
The file must be named article_buyer.csv
TecCom Business Cloud supports article numbers specific to a buyer. You can specify up to 1 buyer article number per buyer and article.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
buyer_tec_id | string | minLength=1, maxLength=32 | Y | UC | Specifies the buyer’s TecComId. Repetition of the same buyer for the same article is not allowed. Import will fail in that case. |
buyer_article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | Buyer specific article number. Allows the buyer to request/order the article by this article number. |
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file article_buyer.csv, it will be processed after the article.csv file, if one is present.
The file must be named replace_list.csv.
This file is only allowed with import mode REPLACE_LIST
Provide a list of replacement articles. Duplicate of article_number and brand for the same supplier are not allowed.
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
article_number | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
brand | string | minLength=1, maxLength=35 | Y | UC | Used for article identification. The pair article_number, brand must reference an existing article definition. |
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file replace_list.csv, it will be processed before the article.csv file.
The file must be named alc_head.csv
Define header level of allowances and charges (ALC).
field | data type | restriction | required? | unique constraint | additional info |
group | string | minLength=1, maxLength=50 | Y | UC | Specify the condition group for which this allowance/charge applies. Use group ‘public’ to make this allowance/charge available for all customers without a specific condition group assignment. |
type | string | alc_type | Y | UC | Specifies the allowance/charge type. |
percentage | numeric(15,5) | ≥ 0 | C | Allowance/Charge in percent of the sum of all line item net amounts. If used, amount must be NULL. | |
amount | numeric(15,5) | ≥ 0 | C | Allowance/Charge amount in currency specified for the condition group. If used, percentage must be NULL. | |
per_value | numeric(15,5) | > 0 | C | If null, allowance/charge is applied independently of order value. Else: - If type = allowance: Allowance is only applied if sum of line net amounts is greater or equal then per_value. - If type = charge: Charge is only applied if sum of line net amounts is strictly smaller then per_value. |
from_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | C | UC | If specified, alc_head will hold from and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is current date |
to_date | date | format: YYYY-MM-DD | C | UC | If specified, alc_head will hold up to and including the specified date in UTC. If not specified, default is '9999-12-31' |
remark | string | minLength=1, maxLength=255 | N | Custom free text. |
condition-group-1|CompetitiveAllowance|5.00||2000|2024-01-01|2024-12-31|5 percent off when ordering more than 2000 EUR net amount
condition-group-1|FinancialCharges||40|200|2024-01-01|2024-12-31|40 EUR charge when ordering less than 200 EUR net amount
If the imported zip-archive contains a valid file alc_head.csv, it will be processed parallel the article.csv file, if one is present.