We have come across several known issues after our migration of our TecCom Portal users to the new Okta identity provider.
We are doing our best to update this list as soon as a new issue is reported so please check back regularly to make sure you are up-to-date.
Please visit https://login.tecalliance.net/signin/forgot-password and request a new password for your user. If you do not receive a password reset email after 15 minutes, please check your & your company's SPAM/Junk folder. If indeed you have not received a password reset email, please contact the TecCom Support.
We will automatically unlock your account after 15 minutes - Please try again then. If login still does not work, please follow the instructions mentioned under 1. (I have lost my password).
Please see the instructions under 2. (I am locked out due to multiple failed attempts to log in).
Please clear your browser cookies & cache, restart the browser and try again.
How to clear the Microsoft Edge browser cache
How to clear the Mozilla Firefox browser cache
How to clear the Google Chrome browser cache
Internet Explorer is no longer supported by TecCom Portal. We currently only support the following browsers:
Please note that our service also not working on Iphone or Ipad even if you use one of the above browsers. Reason is the browser engine WebKit behind it, which is also not supported from us.
a) Please add the following page to your company's firewall whitelist:
b) If the issue still persists, please allow access to our SSO Identity Provider (Okta) IP addresses. The full description is available here:
a) Please install the latest version of your browser.
b) Check your browser for any installed Popup blockers or Auto-translators, and deactivate them if applicable.
c) See point 6. (TCP opens a blank page when I try to access https://login.tecalliance.net)
If this does not help, please contact the TecCom Support informing us about your browser version. We will then reset your user session.
Please make sure that you don't have installed / activated a translation tool in the browser which translate the whole page.
In Chrome it can be deactivated in chrome://settings/languages, for Firefox and Edge please check the addons.
If you are missing a translation or something has been translated incorrectly, please contact our support team.